Our Programs
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Infant Classroom
General Information: The age group in this room consist of infants between the ages of 6weeks and 24months. The caretakers in our infant room work very hard day in and day out to make sure that your little ones are taken care of properly. The infant room is located in the right wing of our building. It is a large, open room that is full of color. Every infant has their own crib/mattress and cubby in this room. There is also a large white board centered in the infant room where care takers keep a daily record of all diaper changes & feedings for each child in this room, this helps to keep track of every baby and ensure that they are being changed appropriately during the day. We understand how hard it is to send your infant to a child care facility before they are even able to speak, and we pride ourselves in the joy and confidence our little ones express when they come in their classroom every day!
Naptime: 12:00pm-2:00pm(flexible)
Food: It is required by the state that if you have an infant that is under one year of age, breast feeding, or still on formula after their first birthday, you must prepare their meals(bottles) yourself and send them labeled to the childcare facility daily. There is a refrigerator located in the infant room for proper storage and easy accessibility of your child's bottles/food. We provide meals for all
children ages one and up or if your child is sitting up and you allow table food. However if your child
is on a special diet or if your child is under the age of 1 and you would like them to eat otherwise, we
encourage that you send cereal/baby food/meals/snacks that you would like your child to consume
during their day.
Required Supplies: The materials listed below are mandatory for your child/children at all times!
No exceptions!
1 Pack of Wipes (weekly)
Prepared Bottles (Formula/Breast milk)(Daily)
Baby Food/Cereal/Snacks
Change of Clothes (weather appropriate)
Sippy Cup (1yr+)
2-Year Old Toddler Classroom
General Information: In this classroom is where alot of structure and dicipline finds it's way into your childs schedule. This is where your children begin to potty train, learn table manners, piece puzzles, count to twenty, recognize shape and color, and learn right from wrong through discovery of the "time-out" chair. It's amazing how in just the short period of a year our babies go from bottles to blessing their food, but we watch it everyday. We know that because of school, work, and life in general the majority of your child/children's day is spent at a childcare facility. We try to take as much of the weight as we can off of your shoulders by making sure that your children are hitting milestones on time while incorporating structure. At this delicate age your children are sponges that mirror everything they see...so we try to make sure that they see as many positive activities as possible.
Naptime: 12:00pm-2:00pm (strict)
Food: Child & Adult Care Food Program (Nutritional) Meals Served:
Breakfast (8:30-9:00am)
Lunch (11:30am)
Snack (2:00pm)
Supper (4:00pm) COMING SOON!
Required Supplies: The materials listed below are mandatory for your child or children
at all times! No exceptions!
Sippy Cup
2 Blankets for nap
1 Pack of Wipes (weekly)
Change of Clothes (weather appropriate)

Preschool Classroom (Age 3)
General Information: This class is a "smooth transition" from toddler to Pre-K. We've found that it is easier on the children to incorporate new learning slowly, versus changing up their entire day all together. We add a little more each time they advance to the next room. In this room we complete potty training getting them out of pull-ups and into underwear. This is such an exciting time in their life where they really begin to assert their independence!
Naptime: 12:00pm-2:00pm (strict)
Food: Child & Adult Care Food Program (Nutritional) Meals Served:
Breakfast (8:30-9:00am)
Lunch (11:30am)
Snack (2:00pm)
Supper (4:00pm) COMING SOON!
Required Supplies: The materials listed below are mandatory for your child/children
at all times! No exceptions!
2 Blankets for nap
1 Pack of Wipes (monthly)
Uniforms (Burgundy Top & Khaki/Black Bottoms)
Change of Clothes (weather appropriate)
Reminder: Closed toe shoes only

Pre-K 4 (Transitional Kindergarten Class)
General Information: This class is filled with all the preparation needed for Kindergarten. In the All About Kidz Pre-K program your children learn to write their name, read sight words/ small books, identify all of their A,B,C's/1,2,3's/Basic Colors & Shapes, and even sign language! In this classroom structure, rules, and manners are strictly enforced. It is so important that our children learn proper behavior as early as possible.
Naps: 12:00pm-2:00pm (strict)
Food: Child & Adult Care Food Program (Nutritional) Meals Served:
Breakfast (8:30-9:00am)
Lunch (11:30am)
Snack (2:00pm)
Supper (4:00pm) COMING SOON!
Required Supplies: The materials listed below are mandatory for your child or children
at all times! No exceptions!
2 Blankets for nap
1 Pack of Wipes (monthly)
Uniforms (Navy Blue Top & Khaki/Black Bottoms)
Change of Clothes (weather appropriate)
Reminder: Closed toe shoes only

2021-2022 Afterschool Program
General Information:
Schools In Our Route(subject to change)
Drop-off(Morning Route)
Pick-up(Afternoon route)
Special Requirements: If your child is on our pick up list and for ANY reason we will not be picking them up that day, you must call the office at the center and notify them by 1:30pm. If there are more than three instances where the driver attempts to pick your child up from school and the child is not there, you will be on grounds for termination and removal from the pick up list. You can still recieve afterschool care, but you must pick your child up from school. Drivers are on a timed schedule to pick up from multiple schools. Spending time searching for a child during a pick-up is an inconvenience and causes other children to be picked up late from schools. We have a no tolerance policy for this.
Breakfast: 6:00am-6:50am
Snack: 3:45pm-4:00pm
Required Supplies: (Closed Toe Shoes), manners, and a smile!
Summer Program
All About Kidz does offer a Summer Program for school age children.
Call for availability on our Summer Program!
Spots go fast!